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Do You Feel Any of The Symptoms?


Sub-health is Very Common for Working Adults

Sub-health has been recognized as a health risk for people of middle/senior age who work in an office. Many working adults are experiencing at least one sub-health symptom, and most working adults ignore warning signs. People who suffer from sub-health conditions often feel tired and experience a lack of energy. The factors that contribute to this situation are lack of exercise, eating unhealthy food and drinks, and environmental pollution.

Heavy Workload

Heavy workload

Insufficient rest

Insufficient rest

Improper diet

Heavy workload

Sedentary lifestyle

Insufficient rest

Heavy Workload

Heavy workload

Improper diet

Improper diet

Insufficient rest

Insufficient rest

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle

Our Services

TCM Consultation

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners perform their clinical assessment through four diagnostic methods: Inspection, Listening & Smelling, Inquiring and Palpation. Our doctors will evaluate your overall body condition and provide a personalized holistic solution to achieve health and wellbeing.

The symptoms which can be treated by TCM physicians include common cold, kidney deficiency, insufficient “Qi”, frequent fatigue, stomach pain, bloating, diarrhoea, insomnia, headaches, migraines, dizziness, cough (acute and chronic), insufficient lung “Qi”, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, menopausal syndrome, eczema, hives and sub-health conditioning, melancholy, oedema, dizziness and frequent urination.


LIANG YI™ is a registered TCM Clinic with TCM Practitioner Board back in 2009.

Through the years we have received hordes of positive testimonials from our satisfied customers complimenting us on our professionalism and our treatment efficacies. Our signature Meridian & Moxibustion Therapy – MMT™ and neck & shoulder treatment are very popular with many customers from all walks of life. From working professionals to housewives and even students, we have helped them all by stimulating positive chi flow, conditioning their bodies to enhance inner vitality, improve blood circulation and have been proven effective to relieve stress and soothing tired muscles.


Our Physicians

Hou Geli

侯革利 Hou Geli

Permanent TCM Consultant
(Available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday)



  • Bachelor’s Degree from Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Singapore Registered TCM Physician
  • Singapore Chinese Physician’s Association Member
  • Acupuncture Profession of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Internal medicine Profession of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Pediatric Massage Profession of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine


  • Pain Management: Cervical spondylosis, low back pain, periarthritis, various sports soft tissue injuries
  • Gynecology: menstrual disease, infertility, menopause syndrome
  • Internal medicine: gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary diseases, sub-health conditioning (insomnia, neurodegeneration, mania, depression, Chronic fatigue syndrome), tumor conditioning
  • Skin diseases: Eczema, Urticaria, Psoriasis
  • Acupuncture: Sequelae of Stroke, Beauty Slimming
More Details

張祥億 Zhang Xiang Yi Vivian

TCM Consultant
(Available on Monday, Thursday)



  • Singapore MOH Registered TCM Physician
  • Singapore Chinese Physicians` Association Member


  • TCM Internal Medicine: Cardiopulmonary Diseases, Menopausal Syndrome, Gastrointestinal System Diseases.
  • TCM Surgery: Dermatology, peripheral vascular disease, urology and male disease.
  • TCM Gynaecology: Menstrual disease, leukorrhea, prenatal and postpartum conditioning.
  • Bone injury and soft tissue injury: Cervical spondylosis, acute and chronic low back pain, knee joint pain, heel pain, tennis elbow, etc.
More Details

Fully Sterilized Treatment Equipment and Rooms


Disinfecting Rooms

We will thoroughly disinfecting the room include the massage bed and door handles before and after the treatment using disinfectant spray.


Mask & Gloves

It is compulsory that all our masseuse wear a mask and gloves at all times when they perform treatments for clients.


Social Distancing

We have significantly enhanced social distancing, contact tracing and temperature recording.


Hand Sanitizers

The hand sanitizers in the store are disinfected to maintain optimal efficacy.

PLQ Mall Branch

New Customers


Exclusive for online reservations only!

Valid only for online reservations made until 28th February 2025.

*For new customers only. Terms & conditions apply

Relax & Recharge

With your first TCM treatment with LIANG YI today!
*Valid only for new customers of Liang Yi. Exclusive for PLQ outlet*

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